Singing Hatsune Miku

Rabu, 06 April 2016

Fisherman's Day
29 June is St Peter and St Paul's Day. They were two of the twelve Apostles in the Christian religion.

St Peter is the patron saint of fishermen because he was a Galilean fisherman by profession He was chosen by Jesus Christ as one of his twelve apostles.

St. Paul is the author of 3 of the 27 books of the bible, and he's the hero of another, Acts of the Apostles. He was born in Tarsus, located in present-day eastern Turkey. He was a tentmaker by profession and was a Roman citizen.

Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul Traditions, Customs and Activities
Many of customs carried out are centred on the sea, fish and fishermen because St Peter was a fisherman. In Central and South America as well as across Europe, fishermen have their boats blessed by the local priest.

England: Nearest Sunday to St Peter’s Day (June). Blessing of the Sea and Fisheries at Folkstone, Kent, England. The service is led by the vicar of St Peter’s Church (the Seafarers’ Church).

In Cornwall, on 28 June (St Peter’s Eve). Church towers in fishing villages were illuminated and bonfires, tar barrels and fireworks lit in celebration.

Scotland: Fires were lit in memory of St Peter. Fishermen in the Hebrides used to set sail today, regardless of the weather, as it was felt that the saint protected them.


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